Will be posted tomorrow.
I know that you say you are sick as a dog, but what do you compare yourself to when you are super weak?
weak as a fly in winter?
weak as a sloth? (are sloths weak or just slow?)
weak as a poorly planned alibi?
weak as an American Dollar?
My anemia has been really bad this past week. It's kept me home and cut my speed down to a snails pace, and since I must be well for my Canadian sojourn next week, I've just finally let myself rest, instead of pushing through it and putting myself in the hospital/ really hurting myself.
oh Scandinavian Geminis! what a cruel fate.
So along with your new Diamond Mountain Quilt Along video about assembling blocks and your schedule, I have some exciting news to share tomorrow. Feel free to look into it today. If you are in or around the East Coast, you better get signed up and soon!
The b&w pic keeps it from looking so much like I got punched in both eyes, which anemia will do to you. Also, does anyone else rest their hands on their head? I constantly find myself doing that. I sleep like that too.
Also. I have some things to say about Outfoxed. Tomorrow Tomorrow and Tomorrow.