I'm officially starting my juice fast today.
I've got loads of reasons to do it, and no good reasons not to. I'm even thinking of bringing my juicer with me to TCC next week and juicing my meals. Not kidding around.
So. One month from today, I will let you know how it's going.
Here are a couple of things I know from juicing:
I read an ebook last year about juice fasting that made it seem really daunting. It was helpful, but daunting. Then I watched this documentary and it made me feel really good about jumping in.
You need a good juicer. Just because it's the most expensive does not always make it the best. I purchased a juicer in 2010 that was $100 more expenisive than the one I just got, and it was such a pain to use, I never lasted more than 5 days. I would have to strain the juice after juicing, and then it was obnoxious to clean AND it wouldn't juice anything leafy or green, it would just bruise it.
I just purchased the Breville Ikon, and it's a dream machine. I essentially just threw everything that I intend to juice at it, and it laughed at me. The sieve is really fine so it makes a nice quality juice. Plus the machine is beautiful. As far as kitchen appliances go, it's so good looking. It makes me interested in other Breville products...
find combinations of produce that you like. Drinking straight vegetable juice can be hard. So it's important to find stuff that goes together that you can rotate through the week and keep drinking!
I always prefer cucumber over celery as a base
I prefer green apples to red everyday of the week.
Red peppers taste like red sugar water
lemons start to taste sweet not sour
carrots become too sweet to drink straight
I like adding herbs. Basil makes everything better in a minty floral way.
do you see where I am going with this? Everything is really sweet...
if you are going to do a juice fast, you still need to just as much water as you are supposed to drink when you are eating normally. It's possibly even more important now, to help in flushing out your system.
drink fresh coconut water.
anyway. We shall see. I am hoping to sleep more regularly, and help my skin clear up. Also I have found that when I am juicing, I have absolutely no issues with my anemia, so I am looking forward to that. Bottoms up!