I've been away. Maybe you noticed.
I have several blog posts that I've owed you for some time now. Maybe it's just best though to pick up and move on. I went to Paris. I went to New York State to visit one of my dearest friends and her sweet family. I spent a week teaching peeps I love in Cambridge, MA how to do things that I love. Then I was home for a spell, only to sew my heart out until I left for Quilt Market.
There are lots of posts in there. And lots of grateful tears for the people who remain steady and constant in my life.
But I'm here today to tell you that I have so many exciting things coming this holiday season for you! The first of which, is in the shop right now, and will become available at 10:00 AM (Mountain Standard Time) in the morning.
Hopefully you will see this in your feeds so you get a chance...
The first item available will be.....
24, 50 fat 1/8's set. They were such a hit last year, that we thought we'd give it another go. This time we are releasing them earlier than last year, so we A. have time to cut them down, and B. after all that cutting have time to get them to you.
So as I just stated. There are only 24 available. So act swiftly. The fabric will be as always, a delightful rainbow ranging from Outfoxed, Hello Pilgrim, Guising, and Constellations (including some new and loved PB's).

We'll be shipping internationally all season long, fyi.
Here is the link for the bundle, and good luck!
Here is a list of dates of upcoming shop updates!
Monday November 12: Paper Goods
Monday November 19: Stocking Stuffers
Monday December 3: New art and last minute gifts
We'll have it all. Ok. Happy almost Holidays.
love dove,