A couple weeks back I endeavored to rearrange, reorganize my apartment. I wanted every room to do their proper job. Kitchen = kitchen, bedroom = bedroom, office = office, living/ dining room = living/ dining room. You get the picture. Since I moved into this place EVERY room has been everything. If I was having a party I would move my inventory from my living room to my bedroom, and then it was like princess and the pea with boxes, only I was being tested to see if I could tell that there was still a mattress under there.
I'm not finished yet, but I'm getting closer everyday. All the bones are set up, and now every stitch of product is in the office. When I package your orders, I am not prancing from room to room, I am turning around. What a clever thing?!
The best part of all of this though is actually getting organized! And not a moment too soon did my beautiful Quilted Koala fabric covered boxes in Brown Pearl Bracelet and the orange jewel print arrive! They are so nice! And I don't know what it is, but having such a beautiful box makes me want to keep beautiful things in them. It also makes me want to put things back where I got them. A novel concept, I know.
Not only are these boxes beautifully constructed, really good looking, but M. Elizabeth House is actually on the road, the actual path to being organized in a way that is potentially permanent. So, I thought I'd show you what's in a couple of my boxes.
I have my notions/closures/button box. I love opening it. It has buttons and things that I have collected over the past couple of years for my clothing making and I'm excited to have them all together, and to eventually match them to a champion project.
My Pattern box. I trace all of my patterns, and then I redraft them for my figure or my favorite neckline, or just to show off my clavicle... anyway. After I trace/cut a pattern, I put it in a clear bag and label it so I don't have random pieces of tracing paper floating around, or worse lose a piece. It seems simple enough, and now I keep them all in one place.
cutting tools. I am always losing scissors. And I can never remember where I put that new blade for my rotary cutter that I should have replaced a year ago. They have their own box now, and I'm always putting scissors back into the box. It's amazing. Progress people.
This is a big deal. Knowing where things are, and having it be beautiful. Form and function at its fabric covered box best.
And best of all, until August 31, Quilted Koala is offering my peeps 20% off your order of my Pearl Bracelet and Jewel Boxes! Just enter lizzyhouse at the checkout!
A note about the box sizes. I am using the small and medium nesting boxes on Billy bookcases from Ikea, and they fit really well. The larger ones are in my office, and I will show you those when the ugly duckling room is all swaned out. Also in my office, the bin, it's my favorite.