I left the living room for a couple of minutes, only to hear as I left, the distinct sound of claws on the kitchen table. I come back into the living room to find Mickey standing on the table. I shouted at him and told him to go to his crate. A dozen things went through my head. Who does this dog think he is? How often does he do this? When was the last time I sterilized the table? Is that how the ice cream carton ended up in his crate? etc...
I went into the room where his crate is to scold him further and this is what I found:
It's easy to be mad, and even harder to stay mad.
This week you will want to head on over to Monica's (the happiest Zombie I have ever met). She has made up an incredible project that is sure to delight and wonder you, as well as give way to a grand adventure. It's a dragon slayer satchel, and I can guarantee that it will come in handy for that and innumerable other things. Fact. Monica has made an incredible and very detailed tutorial, so go, download, and make this incredible all purpose adventure bag.
If you are in need of some Castle Peeps, or Summer Camp has got your stash running low, check out any of these fine retailers.
Fabritopia.com (having a 35% off sale through July 31st)
And many many more. If you are a shop, and or know of a shop that you would like added to this list just let me know. I hope you are still having fun at camp.
I've made some serious discoveries today, and I wanted to talk about/ share them here in case my discoveries might be of assistance to someone else... that's what we're here for... on earth. To help each other. Also here on this blog. Also, this is long post, without pictures, only a delightful video.
Anyway. In 2007 I became a vegan. I had never even considered being a vegetarian. I also had never had a very healthy relationship with food, and I love doing experiments on myself, so I just did some research and gave away all my groceries, which my roommates appreciated, bought new ones, and was on my way. I got several cookbooks, and taught myself to cook and bake vegan... I was making a new normal for myself. I was devoted, and hardcore; living in Rexburg, Idaho, you have to be both.
Also, I wasn't a soy/ tempeh/ textured protein girl either. I was a grain/ legume/ veg girl. Because maybe you know the people who are "vegetarians," but actually only eat cheese quesadillas. That's not so healthy. I was being as healthy as humanly possible. So I thought. I was eating plenty of protein, and I hadn't eliminated all fat; I was eating avocados, nuts, and unrefined oils. I felt really good, and really in control for the first time in my life.
But around the 4th month, I started blacking out. It didn't matter how much I ate, it's like I was starving. I would get really dark circles under my eyes, I wouldn't be able to get out of bed, and I was having a really hard time printing. This went on, and got worse for 4 more months, before I decided that it was enough. It took me so long to decide to make a change, because as it turned out, the reason I had to started as a vegan was not the reason I had stayed a vegan, and the idea of eating meat had become painful.
Over the coarse of the 8 months I had lost well over 30 lbs. But what was so crazy, was as soon as I started to eat "normal" food again, I lost even more weight, and much more rapidly. All I knew was that my anemia was not getting better from iron supplements, and that my body/ brain were starving.
Somewhere along the line I discovered that the problem was a vitamin B12 deficiency. If you are not getting the b12 you need, then it doesn't matter how much protein or iron you get, your body will not absorb it, and you will not receive the benefit. So, I looked into a supplement for B12.
The most common, cheap, and available form of b12 is Spirulina. A Blue Algae. But I had taken spirulina on a couple previous occasions, and nearly died. I even puked in the hall at my community college outside of my math class. That was unfortunate. So the one thing that I needed to keep me alive was also killing me? Really?
Well, just today I started doing some research, because I want to get back to being a vegan with a healthy dose of raw, but I wanted to nip this b12 deficiency in the bud, before I was brain dead in 4-6 months. So I pulled out the box of vitamins and started making a list of everything that I should be taking. I kept finding everything for b12 was "cyanocobalamin ," over and over. I saw the "cyan", and immediately knew that it was spirulina. So that's when I started tweeting and researching.
Not everyone has a b12 problem, obviously. But among those who do, many can take cyanocobalamin without any side effects. The reasons why some people do have problems are these: anything containing cyan, is a natural carrier of cyanide. When you ingest cyanocobalamin your body has to do a couple of things before it can metabolize and absorb it, and one of those things is separate the cyanide. It is in such a small amount, and a non-toxic form that it shouldn't harm you. But there is a percentage of people who react like they have been poisoned. Unfortunately that's me. wa-wah.
What's a weakling veggie anemic girl, supposed to do?? The answer is not eat a piece of meat. Allen.
There is another, lesser known form of B12 called, Methylocobalamin, and your body doesn't need to do any separating to absorb it. Your body just welcomes it into it's vitamin B12 deficient arms, and then it says, "hey Iron, why don't you get on this amino acid train too?" and maybe, "while we're at it, let's reconnect all these neurotransmitters that have been disconnected". Getting the vitamins and minerals that you need make your body just like School House Rock, all the time.
I got this supplement, and I am excited to try it. If it works it could mean, no more blacking out, better memory, concentration, regular sleep, and this way I can get EVEN MORE work done.
Do any of you or your relatives suffer from anemia? What have your solutions or remedies been?
How is everyone? Today Campers you will want to head on over to Whipstitch Fabrics, to hang out with your new counselor Deborah who has prepared and incredible traveling village!
It's pretty much amazing, and it's all thanks to Deborah! Make sure to watch for her incredible new book, Stitch by Stitch, hitting shelves soon. Also, if you are anywhere near Atlanta, get yourself to Deborah's fantastic sewing lounge, Whipstitch!
Head on over to Cherri House's blog for this weeks tutorial, where you will learn, or be reminded how to make some sweet action bean bags!
Bean bags remind me of simpler times, and all my attempts to learn to juggle. But your in luck, she has included a list of websites with games and ideas for bean bag uses!
I decided to check out what they pets thought of the bean bags, and how they would best put them to use.
Mickey likes bean bags to practice his jumping skills! Keep reaching for the stars, Mick.
Finn on the other hand prefers bean bags for punching practice. Watch out for this one!
Pinecone, on the other hand, looks to bean bags for comfort. She's a keeper.
While Minkee, tirelessly, works on her posture. So much dedication.
So, as you can see there are many many ways to use bean bags. So head on over and check it out!
I am really hurt to admit that my work, and the work of peers is being lifted directly for the benefit of others who have nothing to do with the works origins. Companies and Manufacturers scour the internet for work and ideas and instead of approaching artists, they just take whatever they like, change it enough for legality sake, and bank on it.
This might be legal, but it is not ethical. I understand, that we as human beings are enabled with the right to choose, and in that define our own ethics, especially if you aren't prompted by any sort of religious, family, artistic, business, or personal code of conduct. Because of this right to choose, our basic beliefs and in turn code of conduct, or ethics can differ widely.
I also have been a part of strange coincidences and happenings and I assure you, these are not them.
But understand this. What you do does not go unnoticed, and karma is a bitch.
This week we have a really great project for those inside summer days. When I mildly think about summer, I think watermelon, fireworks, swimming, and bike gangs. When I really think about summer, I start to remember that a percentage of those dreamy days off are spent inside. Whether it's because it's raining, or it's actually too hot to go outside, it's nice to have some things to do.
So this week, make a Castle Peeps Memory Game! I'm still not at my best from my surgery so this week the tutorial is in the post!
The only things that you really need to get started are:
small piece of paper
fabric scissors, or rotary cutter and cutting mat
Castle Peeps and other conversational prints (8-12 different pieces)
solid or stripe print for the back of the game cards
Cut a small stack of 3x3 squares in your stripe or solid. You will want to cut as many you want cards in your game. I cut 18.
You are going to make a little viewfinder. I made my cards 3x3. So I cut a 3x3 square out of a small piece of paper, so I could place the viewfinder over the fabric to find what the image would look like best in a 3 inch square. Then I traced the square onto the fabric, and then cut it out.
To get 2 of the same exact square, place the cut square over the same fabric, and match up the sides. Then either trace around the block, or use your ruler and rotary cutter. Make 8-12 different sets.
After I cut out my sets. I starched and ironed the back to the front, wrong sides together! Making it almost crispy. Then I trimmed each set in case there was a little overlap. You don't want to give any permanent hints.
Once you are finished cutting you will laminate your squares. I don't have a laminator at home, and I wanted something more permanent than most diy lamination systems. SO, I took my squares to Kinko's and laminated them for about $5. And it took 2 minutes. Make sure that when you are laying them out that you leave about half an inch between each set.
When you cut them out, leave about a 1/4 of an inch around them as to make sure you don't cut into the seal. Also, make sure that you cut down the corners, or use a corner punch. The laminate can be sharp.
It's Melysses S. Grant here, on behalf of camp director Lizzy House, seeing as how she is having surgery today I am doing this post for her. But all is well and camp must go on! Lizzy made this awesome finger puppet tutorial for everyone to enjoy, and she still wants you to have it even if I have to give it to you!!!
This is the first official project of Castle Peeps Summer Camp, and campers I hope you enjoy making these wonderful finger puppets with your very own favorite peeps. Download this tutorial to make your very own castle peeps finger puppets for hours of endless fun!
Today is the very first day of the very first Castle Peeps Summer Camp! Over the next 8 weeks, every Thursday one of your CPSC counselors will post a new project for you and your little peeps to make!
Take a look at our your counselors blogs! Each camp destination will offer a pdf to literally increase your summer fun. It's a proven fact.
I will post where the CPSC post will be the day before the event so everyone knows where to go! Feel free to download, or click and drag this button for your blog if you want to go to camp with us!
Castle Peeps Summer Camp!The best camp you never knew you signed up
No portion of this website may be copied, or used without the written permission of me, the author, Lizzy. So, please contact me for use and licensing. 2007-2010