hello everyone. I have so many things I want to say, and show you. Lots of cool Lizzy Dish things. LOTS of cool new fabric surprises... If you have emailed me, and I haven't gotten back to you, forgive me... things are a little crazy right now, AND I am getting ready to take some stuff to New York next week. So i'm just under a crunch to get things done. A little high strung at the moment.
I have these little lights gleaming at the end of this winter tunnel. In mid May I get to go to Market in PA and see all of my favorite quilty/fabric peeps. It is amazing how much these people come to mean to you even though you only see them twice a year. Then, in the beginning of June I get to go teach for 4 wonderful days at the beautiful Squam Art Workshops. They both seem kind of far away, but then you think about it, and nope. I am still wondering how it is 2009, let alone nearly March.
Also, word is my classes are filling up. That makes me so happy. Thanks to everyone who has signed up. I can't wait to meet each of you. For more Squam details check out this sweet action interview.
I'm looking for a picture now to put up so you have something to look at...
ok. here it is...
I'm off to find something to eat so I can keep it together.