I always have about 12 little notebooks with me wherever I go. Sketch books, idea books, ledgers, blank books in case the others fill up. I always have a book with me that I say isn't a sketch book, but I think everything ultimately becomes full of little drawings, and then since I can't stay organized or use any discretion on what or where I draw I end up having to carry all of them all the time.
Well, I have been trying to travel lighter. I hate carrying things around. So I have taken to keeping only two blank books with me when I travel. One for references, locations, websites, and lists. The other is my travel journal!
I remember conversations and instances better if I am either drawing during them, or thinking about them whilst I draw them afterwards. Somehow the emotion or feelings of the whole thing gets trapped in the drawing. So I draw and write as I go, all in one book
That's why I draw in church!
I started doing this travel journal thing when I went to San Fransisco in the fall. I was amazed when I went through it the other day how my feelings for and during the trip just came flooding back to me. It was a really neat experience, so I feel like it's a good habit to uphold. And look! I found another artist doing the same thing. Gemma Correll does such a beautiful job. I think it's really neat how two people can do such similar things independent of each other. She sells hers in a zine form in her etsy shop.
So here are a few pages from my little Christmas Trip journal. I hope you enjoy it, and maybe you can keep one too on your next trip. You can check out the whole thing here!
So what is it that you do to remember moments? I have a friend that always brings food with him to remember times so he is using all his senses. I think that's a neat way. What do you do to remember? Because as we all know, memory is a fleeting thing.
I hope you are having a happy new year!