Today I really needed lists. I got a little overwhelmed, and one of the best things for me to do to calm myself down is start making lists. Here is one of my lists that you might find useful
Where to Locate Lizzy Dish, online:
Bee Square Fabrics who is also doing a give-away here.
Do four items make a list? We'll keep working on it. Fabric Peeps. Let me know when you get Lizzy Dish and I will add you to the list. Also, if any of you peeps see Lizzy Dish in your local shops let me know, and we'll tack them on.
Remember to add your selfs to the Lizzy Dish group on Flickr.
I got an email today that informed me that dreamer Julie/ Valentine Westphal had already made something using Lizzy Dish. That really made my day. I guess I didn't know how I would feel when someone did, if anyone ever would, and they did, and it's great!
isn't it beautiful? and in all three color ways!
I also want to say that I have a surprise for everyone this week. I can't believe how good I have been about this. But I will say that I have hinted about it since last spring market... I'm so excited.
what a happy new year?!