Christmas was great. My Mom ended up waking us up at around eight (a good two hours before normal everyday holiday wake up call)... we opened present, and that was nice. I got the first season of one of my favorite cartoons, and Melissa, my little sister, got us all i-pods. What a doll! Mine is a product red Nano. I gave books, and prints to everyone, because I am books and prints rich, not so much i-pod rich...
we spent the afternoon at my Grandma's house. It was so great to spend time with her! It was funny though: I walk into the main room, and there are all these new pictures on the wall... I was wondering how she got them because I had taken them in Idaho, and then I realize that my Grandmother is a regular Hacker, and she has taken every usable picture from my BLOG! I laughed and laughed. She has gotten really good at the computer in the last little while. I am really excited though, because when my Mom comes to visit me in Idaho (the week after mother's week) she is coming too! It's going to be a lot of fun
we really had a great Christmas. Later we went visiting some of our dearest friends and we recounted our tales of Belgium.
Speaking of Belgium... I am working on a project that requires some research that can only take place in Belgium and Germany. I will be making my way over there in April. I am still working out the details but I am looking for a field assistant.
Ashlee loved the quilt, and it made me happy. It really wrapped up that quilt experience for me... picking out the fabric, cutting it out, piecing it together, basting it, (watching it being quilted, and bound) and then giving it away. What an interesting set of emotions goes along with that.
somebody likes me! go listen to Simple Arts, Annie Smith's new podcast about Houston Market. She, her daughter Kirsten and Holly Mabutas do the podcast and they are just a riot. It's a fun recap of the show. Come back to Houston!
I hope that you all had a great Christmas, and that you have a wonderful and safe new year. So many wonderful and crazy things have happened this year, and I can't even imagine how it went by so swiftly. But I am so looking forward to this coming year, and all the opportunities it holds. To be really honest I feel really nervous about the next four months...I don't know why but I just do. Keep your fingers crossed for something good though. I am so grateful for your friendship and support. Thanks for caring, it means so much to me
well wish me luck, and I'll do the same for you