Courtney and I have been watching the first two seasons of 24 on DVD. For whatever reason I will watch just about any show if it is on DVD. I mostly just sit and sew signatures for books together, but it's nice to just sit and not really do anything for a small space of time.
Well last night we watched a really compelling episode, most are compelling, but this was especially. Jack's ex-lover/woman who murdered his wife, and is a spy and let a bomb go off at CTU (Nina)... well she is helping them find the people that are going to set off a Nuclear bomb in LA, and Jack got put on the case even though he doesn't officially work for CTU (counter terrorist unit) anymore, and they were afraid of him seeking revenge on Nina. They have to get on a plane and fly to another city to stop this guy responsible for the bomb... well, they put this other agent on the plane with them (Nina and Jack) so Jack doesn't kill Nina... Jack hands this guy a bottle of water, and Nina is talking smack. Next thing you know, the other agent passes out, and Jack takes the bottle from him, and he stares Nina down.
HE DRUGGED THE OTHER AGENT. That is how the episode ended.
Then I went for a bike ride. It was the most intense bike ride of my life. I was suspicious of everyone. There were people on the street and I assumed it was because they were agents, or spys. There were people sitting in cars and I knew that they had been sent there to watch what I was doing. There was a cat in the street, and I knew it was a mole cat, with a camera on its collar to alert whoever it was working for, that I had in fact just ridden was also suspiciously dark. All the street lamps (there aren't really street lamps), but all of the street lamps had been burnt out. It was if I was being followed.
Not really, but that is what it felt like after watching two episodes of 24.