As you may have read over here my little Melissa was involved in a freak medical accident, one worthy of a freakish medical show on TLC. Poor little thing required emergency surgery, and her souvenir was a 6'' vertical incision on her tummy. She is home in Houston now; I went to care for her for a few days before she was well enough to travel, I did her laundry, shipped home a 100 lbs of school books (she missed her finals, and will now have to make them up). I was finally able to bring her & her little cat Minkee she a quilters' daughter or what?
That is why I have been away, and have been unable to post :-( Consequently no post, and no update on the Scrap Quilt Along. How are all of you coming on your project? I hope you will start adding photos to the Flickr group.
This trauma with Melissa has been so difficult, and upsetting...there is no way to make sense of the whole event. All I can do is try to take care of her, and help her move forward. Each day has been getting better, and that is a blessing. Last night Lizzy and I were at JoAnn's picking up something that she needed, and I'm thinking to myself, "okay, things are returning to normal; this is good, I can keep going". Shortly after thinking this comical thought, I get a call from Ashlee, who had just been in an car accident on black ice; she will be okay...only a banged up knee. I thought to myself, if my children don't stay safe I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. Lizzy's on her way back to Idaho, everyone think good thoughts for her please, and consequently for me too! Luke is going to Iraq in February, but I'm not even going to start focusing on that. Being a mother is hard work; long distance or not.
Alright, I've cried on your collective shoulders, and I thank you! I'm going to try to gather what remains of my sanity, and do what always helps me find my way. Pray and sew...often, praying while sewing!
Thank you my friends,