Hello everyone, welcome to day 9 of the Quilt Remix blog tour! I'm so honored to be part of Emily's tour, and to have the opportunity to review her fabulous book.
One look through Quilt Remix, and it is plain to see that Emily's view, and unique spin on traditional patterns has given old familiar blocks new life. Not only that, but we have the added bonus of seeing her quilts in two different fabric styles.
A subject that continues to fascinate me is the traditional quilting vs. modern quilting conundrum; which camp do our quilts fall in, which type of quilter are we? The quilts of Quilt Remix acknowledge the traditional, while firmly standing on their own.
Here are a few questions that Emily kindly answered...
I love the reoccurring theme of exploding blocks and really seeing the elements of the blocks in the Storm at Sea, Ohio Star, Trip Around the World, and Lone Star quilts. Is this something that you have been exploring for sometime, or was it new to the book?
It was somewhat new to my quilting life, but something I've always done in my art and photography life. It's always fun to take a neat shape and step back, really look at it and see what else you can do with it.
Your Dresden Plate, Irish Chain, and Flying Geese take a definite twist on traditional patterns. Have you made these quilts in their traditional setting, and thought "what would happen if..."? Or did your unique approach take another path?
I've never made any of those patterns in the original setting. When I started quilting I didn't really like any the traditional patterns so I started off drawing my own. They weren't modernizations of traditional quilts at that point, just fun-with-geometry type quilts. When writing the proposal for this book, I knew I wanted to do something modern but needed an inspiration to pull it all together and make a cohesive book. I looked back at the route I went to get to that point and figured the fabulous tradition of quilting + modern takes = wonderful.
Your quilts whimsically dance from traditional to contemporary, do you find your audience does as well? Do you have more quilters in one camp or another?
I think my camp tends to be the more modern crowd but at the same time, my quilts aren't so modern and abstract that they completely leave behind the traditional crowd. Nine of the patterns are shown in 2 different fabric collections -- one more on the modern end and one more on the traditional end. It really shows how versatile the patterns are.
Was your journey to publishing what you thought it would be?
Pretty much. Everyone at C&T was great to work with. I knew basically what the writing, illustrating and sewing would be like. After that there was a lot of unknowns since it was all new to me but it went very smoothly. I must admit though, I did go through a couple too many bottles of TUMS in the process.
If you would love an opportunity to win a copy of Quilt Remix, leave a comment for a drawing to be held on Sunday, January 23rd.
One more day to go on the tour, be sure and stop by all of the other sites for additional opportunities to win a copy of Quilt Remix, and to read more insights into Quilt Remix.
Ready for the tour dates?