Wow! So many of you want to participate in the Little Bouquet quilt along...yay!!! I'm so excited! We will have fun, we will become better friends, we will learn, and we will make quilts! Could life be sweeter?
Okay...a couple of things:
First, I would ask for your patience since this is my first quilt along. For those of you experienced in this process, just guide me in the right direction if you see something amiss.
Secondly, I've been asked if you can particpate without having a blog. YES! Blog, or no blog; let's make quilts!!!
Third, for you new quilters, don't be nervous...this is easy, easy sewing, and a wonderful place to start your quilting adventure.
Where to begin? I'll be putting together a supply list for you that I hope to have up on Saturday. I'll list the supplies, and create a pdf in case you would like to print it out for reference.
I'm going to try and talk Lizzy into creating a button or badge for us that we can all post on our blogs (if you have one)...we will be the Little Bouquet Girls. We will wow, and dazzle all our friends with our Little Bouquet quilts, and everyone will want to join in!
What can you do right now to get started? Start gathering up lots and lots of fabric strips in a variety of greens from light to dark, and separate them by value. Small paper lunch sacks work well for this. The fabrics should be at least 7'' long, and in a variety of widths from 1 to 3 inches at the most.
Also, start gathering up your best little scraps of silk, batiks, and tone on tone fabrics (nothing too patterned) that we will be using to create the roses. The centers of the flowers can be as small as 2'' x 2''. What color flowers? Well, this is a fantasy bouquet, so you have some license where this is concerned. You can have a look a my bouquets, and use those as a point of reference for fabric choices, or use whatever fabric colors you like.
Okay friends, that will get you started. In a couple of days I'll start a Flickr group for everyone to be able to post images, and share where you are in project.
One last thing, if you have a question you can either email me at cherryhousequilts-dot-gmail-dot-com; or leave a comment with your question, and I will answer you there. That way, others that possibly have the same question will benefit from your asking.
Thanks for joining me on this journey...I am so excited!