Time to construct the base of the quilt...
Supplies needed: 7" squares of NFNW (non fusible non woven) interfacing, fabric strips, sewing machine, 6'' square ruler (optional), rotary cutter, rotary cutting mat
In terms of color - groups fabrics close in value for each block. The colors should not be an exact match, but they should within a close range.
Download Step by Step Flip and Sew Block Construction
1. Lay two strips of fabrics, rights sides together in the center of the interfacing block
2. Stitch at fabric edge on the right, using a 1/4" seam allowance
3. Open strips, press, add next strip
4. Continue to add strips on the left and the right, open, press
5. Continue to add strips until the interfacing is completely covered
6. Trim the block to 6" square. Turn the block over, and trim from the back
7. Ta Da...A finished block!!!
8. A stack of finished blocks!
Okay, ready, set, sew! Remember, 12 blocks for the "big" bouquet, and 4 blocks for the "mini"
Next time, arranging the blocks by color, and sewing the blocks in rail fence pattern.