Below is a comment from the director the Baltimore Head Start program, the one we are collecting quilts for. Before I post the note, I want to thank you with all of my heart for your sweet generosity to those in need. I've said it before; you ALWAYS come through, you ALWAYS share all that you have. I'm so grateful and impressed by each and everyone of you♥
Much love,
Dear quilters,
You are all absolutely wonderful folks to send us some of the most beautiful baby quilts I have seen. It is so exciting to see them flowing into the Center. Box after box of wonderful handmade quilts. To answer a few questions; one, our parents are not carrying water to their homes. They all have Baltimore City running water. However, they are all Early Head Start participants which means that they are all living at or below the Federal poverty level. So although they have running water in their homes, none of them has the luxury of having a beautiful handmade quilt.
Two,Our program emphasizes early literacy, helping both the parent and the infant and toddler feel comfortable with and love books. We help to create a "cozy corner" in each of our children's homes. This Cozy corner consists of a blanket (now a handmade quilt) and a book. Throughout the year we bring other books to supplement the corner. As the year(s) pass, the cozy corner becomes the infant/toddler "library". A place they go to in order to feel comfy and warm and enjoy a book. ( of course some infants chew their books, but that is ok, as long as they love them)
The quilts you all are making and donating to this cause will truly help our little ones learn to love books and reading. Snuggling up with a warm quilt and a book will be one of their childhood memories, thanks to many of you.
Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your quilts are beautiful and will be loved and cherished by our little ones in Southeast Baltimore Early Head Start.
Please be sure to put your names on your boxes, or in them. I am trying to send notes to each person who is donating to us. One wonderful box with two quilts arrived today from Ipswich NY. No name or return address. So thank you Ipswich NY the quilts are gorgeous.
I am new to blogging, so I hope this makes it onto the page. If I can figure out how to do it, I will take some pictures when we give out the quilts and post them so you can see the children receiving your largess.
Again, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You do great work, both in the quilting and in donating your hard work. Our parents don't know yet what is being collected for them, but my staff are totally overwhelmed with your generosity. So THANKS
Gayne Barlow-Kemper
Southeast Early Head Start at Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore Maryland