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June 11, 2012


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Mary P

I saw your quilt in a picture of the RK booth and it was stunning!


I am inspired by flowering plants, quilt blogs, home decorating magazines, in fact-as you say everything! I love your colour too.


My children! :) Thanks for the lovely giveaway.


hmmm color inspiration is everywhere! mostly I find it in the quilt store, LOL I spend way too much time there.

Archie the wonder dog

I tend to find colour inspiration when I'm least expecting it - in the crockery section of Marks and Spencer or at a flower/plant stall on the market...I also love playing with those strips of paint colours you get in the DIY shops!


Colour is everywhere! even on a dull wet day like today!
Thanks for a great giveaway!

beth lehman

i once taught at an outdoor ed center and one thing we did with kids was have them pick a crayon stub or paint chip and try to find that color in nature - somewhere in the woods, for instance. it was amazing how kids started really seeing color and noticing not everything was just brown or green. some days i don't 'see the forest for the trees' but other days, i see color in new and different ways, right outside my door.

Lisa E

A new grandbaby? Congratulations! I'm assuming the little one got a baby quilt. I find color inspiration through the internet (designseeds.com), in magazines, and in clothing. Thanks for the chance to win!

Nancy Bird

I'd love to win - that's my birthday, and I rarely get birthday presents! LOL! Thanks for the giveaway!

LeAnne L

I find color inspiration on the internet. I love designseeds.com. Also clothing and floral catalogs.


Beautiful colors! Thanks for the chance to win this book and fabrics.


Congratulations on the grandchild! May the baby enjoy a wonderful world of color!


Congratulations on your new grandbaby! I find color inspiratton in everything from a butterfly's wings to my dog's coat!

Mary ann

Such lovely colors and the new book sounds so intriguing, I have loved all inspiration in blog and using the new Kona colors too. Thanks for another chance to win some too!


i've gotten inspiration in the strangest of places - a movie, a towel in a store, a toy for my baby. you never know when inspiration will hit!


I find most of my color inspiration outside! When you live in Hawaii it's hard not to!


I get inspiration almost everywhere. My kids always ask me which color I like the best, and I always say I cannot choose. I like them all.


I look for colors to match my mood.




My 3yr's color choices inspire me. Oh the outfits she puts together!


I find my color inspiration from magazines and nature both!!

(PS. I'm so glad you are feeling able to blog again. I missed you and love your work!


I find my inspiration in my daily life... even in traffic, you can pick out the cars in front of you and study the Colour combinations... I love fabric stores for Colour inspiration, one print can set the Colour scheme for a quilt in motion.... magazines, blogs, television... if a fabric company did a show on fabric, I'd be glued to the TV everytime it was on.... ;-)


I often start with one color or a color combination, and go from there.

Ali M

I find my inspiration from the collection of magazine pages I've torn out of interior design magazines for the last 20 years, currently working on a quilt off the color palette of one of those pictures!


I find one or two fabric I like and I use colours from these fabric. Some must be in harmony and some must be contrasting. I often use scraps, so it hold good for colour family. I love bright colours. Many of my quilts contain red or orange. I stil don´t know, how to use blue.


I find inspiration in a variety of places from gardens to quilting and sewing blogs. I do tend to think of the room something will go in, and also I like to use friends' favourite colours when I am making something for them.
Thank you for a lovely giveaway.


I find inspiration for color from nature and my faith in God.


I luckily spend much of my time with my family in the park near our home. Sunsets over the park are often the last thing I see before heading home to quilt, so oranges, yellow and reds are usually the shades that get the most facetime in my quilts. Thanks for the giveaway!

Lindsay Mattison

I find inspiration in the beauty of seeing the world thru my one and only g'daughters eyes ... she loves wildflowers and so do I! Congrats on being a grandma ... there's just NOTHIN like being a G'ma! :)

Anne D

The book looks great as do the new kona colours. Thanks for the chance to win.

Shayla Sharp

Can't wait to get my hands on the book--and yes, the new colors are yummy! I sometimes get inspired with color palettes in ads in magazines. I'm also really into vintage illustrations lately and they often have interesting combos.


I find color inspiration from flowers, this time of year especially. Thanks for the chance.

Jennie P.

Congrats on the brand new grandbaby! How fun! I'm so thrilled to be in the running for the book and some yummy new Kona! Crossing my fingers...


For my inspiration mostly comes from seeing other quilts online and how they have used the colors chosen to create theirs. I am not too good yet at mixing colors in a quilt so I like seeing what others have done. However, I subscribed to design seeds so I can try learning more from that site as it has helped a little already.

I love the new color, Wisteria. I am a purple lover so that one is definitely in my list of solids now to buy. I also love your favorite color. Such a pretty color.


I find inspiration everywhere! Congratulations on the new grandbaby! Enjoy!

Dianne H.

My color inspiration generally is determined by the quilt I am making and for whom it is made. I am ready to see the new colors and what they might inspire. Thanks for the giveaway.


in advertisements, magazine spreads, food on the table, the yard- i guess everywhere too!


Oh, Kona cotton makes me happy. I keep asking for a color card every year for Christmas, but I guess I just need to break down and buy one. Love that wisteria, too! Congrats on the baby and having a quilt in We Love Color. Thanks for the opportunity.


Oooo Cerise is pretty :)
I find inspiration in random every day things. Anything bright catches my eyes or an unusual combination of colors will catch my eyes.
Thanks for the chance to win!


I really need to get my hands on this book - I keep hearing about people who've got quilts in it, but I haven't seen pictures and I'd really like to! One of these days...

Debbie-Esch House Quilts

Color inspiration is everywhere! Congratulations on the new grandbaby :)


I take my inspiration for color from nature and anything I see in the physical world. If nature puts colors together, repeating the combination usually works.


I've always felt color challenged. This book sounds like a wonderful resource.



I like to look at prints and paintings for color inspiration, particularly into mid-century right now.


You're right about colour inspiration being everywhere. I especially look to the colour combinations in nature for inspiration.

Amy Losordo

Congratulations on the new grand baby, lucky child in so many ways. Thanks for participating in the tour and expanding my quilt world.

Patti Krueger

I find a lot of color inspiration in nature. God created all things beautiful and colorful!
Thanks for the chance.


I find inspiration in nature...how can moss work with grass work with pale pink work with yellow? It just does! Still trying to get that to work in fabric, however. ;-) Congratulations on your new grandbaby, so exciting and so rewarding! Enjoy!


Thanks for the chance.


I can't wait to see and quilt with the new colors... yeah!

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