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March 16, 2012


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Fantastic idea!!!!! So simple ... yet I never thought to do this. I'm heading to the machine now and filling a pretty little bowl with nicely filled bobbins :)

Mary Ann

Great idea!! But I have to say I am an Aurifil girl...or rather my machine is!

Amber H.

I am a Gutermann gal myself, and I buy the large spools for the basic neutrals. I really need to consider buying cones, but then I'd need to buy a cone tower thingie since my machine has no real way of holding a large cone.


Sometimes I put a full bobbin on the *top* where you put your spool of thread, and a full bobbin in the bottom. THen when the top is about to run out you know the bottom is going to run out too.


i don't use the bobbin as my marker, but i definitely play that game. it motivates me to go further than i might have otherwise.


I like having bobbins ready to go. I read a tip about having a certain number of bobbins ready to go and when they run out, it is time to change the needle and clean out the lint. I've used all kinds of threads, but I do notice Aurifil and Presencia create less lint.


Aaahhh - that's my pet peeve too!

Cheryl Arkison

I totally do the same thing. Just one more bobbin...

Marty Mason

Great ideas from you...and from those who left a comment before me! Thanks all.


What a great idea! BTW, I'm so glad you are blogging again. I love you blog!


Where do you get your cones, Cherri? I've fallen for Gutermann big time and would love to have oodles of it on hand.


Having extra bobbins handy does save a lot of frustration. Good idea, Cherri! I'm fairly new to quilting and I'm still trying to find a favorite thread. All that lint is annoying :-/


I've used every brand of thread, and there's NO thread that causes less lint than Aurifil. It's a major difference, and now I wouldn't even consider using Gutermann or any other brand. I promise it's dreamy.

injected spray insulation

i don't use the bobbin as my sign, but i definitely perform that activity. it encourages me to go further than i might have otherwise.

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