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February 27, 2012


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Hey there!
WELCOME BACK! Here's hoping and wishing with fingers crossed (it's good to cover all the bases); saying lots of prayers that your 2012 is full of good health and much prosperity! Good to see you back.



So glad that you are back. You have been missed! I can't wait to hear all about what you're working on. Congratulations on the new babies and all of the fun projects! xoxo

Kaaren Babb

Cherri, thank you so much, the book arrived today and it just so happens that 4 of my very favorite are on their way to my house for 5 days of quilting nirvana. I can't wait to tell them about the book and how I acquired it.

I'm just glad to see you back on here and I hope you are doing a whole lot better.

Fond regards, Kaaren B.

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