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March 14, 2011


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Woohoo! Congratulations, Cherri. It's truly a fantastic book!

Mary on Lake Pulaski

Congratulations Cherri!


Yea for you!! I knew I had to have it the very first time I saw it, and it has never disappointed.

What good news. Congratulations!


That is totally awesome!! Congratulations, you have earned every accolade this book receives!!

Anne D

Congrats. I am not surprised as it is a great book. I love it!

Jeanne Gwin

WTG Cherry Checked out the book and it is awesome.


WOW!!! That is so awesome and so deserved!!! Congratulations.

Mary Ann

Congrats! I so love the book and patterns. And I am learning some much about color too.


Wonderful news, Cherri! I'm not a bit surprised :)


Congratulations! I love your book.

Debbie-Esch House Quilts

Congratulations! Glad to see some non-quilters realize what an amazing book you created!


That's amazing! I have yet to own a copy but I have plans. Congrats. You have an amazing sense of design and you really are just a lovely person to read about all the time!


That's so cool, well done.

Kim Hicks

Congrats to you!
Your book is on the top of my wish list and my birthday is right around the corner. : )
I also enjoyed your quilt along and I plan to put up a photo for you to see. I really liked the results using your method of assembly.


Congratulations! It's a wonderful book. It's great to hear that your work is being recognized.


Congratulations - it is a beautiful book!

Tina in Boston

Yes, it is exciting!! Congratulations!!


congratulations! I love your book - you totally deserve this!


woohoo!!!!! conratulations!!!


Wow. How exciting for you!!!!! Congratulations. That's a huge honor. Of course we all knew it was an awesome book you put together already but this just really makes it shine that much more for you. Way to go!

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