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January 31, 2011


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Looks like snow for me tomorrow. Good day to start a new quilting project.


Wait, wait.......I'm not quite ready.

*L* I have ONE more day to sew on a flimsy.


I am new to this. What does WOF stand for.

Mary Escott

Someone beat me to it - i too am new and do not know what WOF means. Thanks.


I thought the same: WOF? I think it may be width of fabric? Otherwise I am stumped!

Noas' Libellule

Got the fabric last night, phhewww! WOF, I think it is probably the width of fabric - purely based on the picture.

Cherri House

Yes, WOF is width of fabric...thanks for asking!

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts

yup WOF is width of fabric. i added a list of common quilting terms to my blog since this question seems to come up often!

WOF...RST...HST and so on!!

as for the quilt-a-long woo hoo!!! as soon as i'm done work today i'll be cutting all my fabric!!

just to confirm... we need 18 squares from each of the 5 colors right?

Cherri House

You will need 18 each of the four colors, you 19 squares of the background color for each pieced column, 19 sqs x 4 columns, 76 squares.


Hi I want to follow your quilt-along the only thing is I have very little (next to nothing) amount of solids in my stash so I will be using a solid background but the squares will be prints if that is ok.

My background is tan and my squares are in yellows.

Please let me know it this will be a problem. ^_^

Cherri House

Hi Marisa,

You should use fabrics that you love, and that you want a quilt from...everything else is just a guideline. I have plans to create this quilt from a floral fabric , and use solids in the pieced section.

Whatever works for you, is all that matters!


Betty C

I have my fabrics ready to cut. You want suggestions for a name? How about 'Sock It To Me'. Or 'Sockette'. I think this pattern will look good in all colors and prints.


Hard to tell from your photos and I want to be certain before I cut. How are you laying out your fabric, is it folded in half? Are you cutting from selvedge to selvedge? Thanks!

Cherri House

The fabric is folded in half, with the fold on the cutting mat line closest to you, and the selvedges at the other end.


This is exciting, Cherri!

How about "Socks" or "Quilted Socks"


Maria Wallin

Ohhh, I'm so excited even though I'm not participating =)

How about "Sock it up" for a name? =D

Barb M

ummmmm...wash or no wash before cutting? I can't believe some of you have cut already! I'm already behind!

Cherri House

Hi Barb,

I'm not a prewasher (unless it's a hand dyed, batik, etc), I've NEVER had any issue with Kona Cotton, EVER. I wash with cold water, and faithfully use several COLOR CATCHERS when I wash my quilts.


Barb M

Thanks Cherri for the very quick reply. I have a snow day today so I can go cut!!


I am taking the plunge and making this quilt quadruple the size. I have most of the fabric requirements changed but where would you advise placing seams for the horizontal solid pieces? Should they all be in the same place or staggered throughout the quilt?



Sorry Cherri, I meant the vertical solid pieces.



I'm going to try and get my pieces cut this week! For a name, I've thought of 'Toasty Toes' or 'Heel & Toe' even 'Knit to be Square'.


All cut up and ready to go! I'm strip piecing my tiny squares so I'll have fewer seams to screw up.


I am thinking GAP Swim Lanes as a name...commemorating the GAP sock hence the existence of the name...and since it looks like lanes...make it a swim lanes... unless the name GAP has any copyright issues...omit the name...or another has no relevance to your sock....Traffic Lanes/Lights - no G/A/R lights tho' ...but it has some connectiong with your City Quilts :)

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