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January 20, 2011


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I'm in! Can't wait to get started.

Izzy&Ivy Jana Nielson

Whoo hooo! I'm in too!

Amber H.

Okay this will be totally awesome to join in on! I'm totally game!

Now, just to pick the colorway to work on... dun duunn choices choices!


Oooh this looks like a lovely small quiltt ! Oh, was wondwering how long it will last (as in weeks etc) !



Yahoo! A quilt along with you is like a dream come true!!!! I love the orange one. It reminds me that summer will come, at some point. Thank you for allowing us to quilt along with you.


This will be my first quilt along. Thank you so much for putting this together.


Please count me in. I'd love to make another quilt of yours, working on one as we speak.

Kerri Kowal

I think I'll give this one a go... look forward to seeing the fabric reqs.


I've never ventured into quilt-a-long land, but I think that I'm ready for the challenge!


Trying to USE up fabric I have on hand and I'd like to do something new. I have a stash of solids here somewhere.


Yes please :) I need to work with solids more and this is perfect!! thanks Cherri!


That would be awesome... the grey looks great but I might do blue and green since I already have those here.


ooh I'm in! I need a baby quilt for a friend :)

Katie B

Very very interesting!

Eileen Gianiodis

Count me in, love the solids

Linda Smith

I can't wait!


Here I am with a whole bunch of solids just waiting for this good idea. *S*

Have to decide what color.


I'm in too .. I'm liking the brown and orange, but may change my mind.

Funky's Mama

Quick & fun? Can't argue with that!

Denise Miller

This appeals to me.


I'll try too! The choice is whether I'll be selfish and make a gray for myself or generous and do a pink for a friend's baby. We'll see...

Barb M

I think I'll try - fair warning, this is my first quilt! I figure it's practice for either City Lights or City Tracks - I don't know which.

Mary Jo

yes, this will be fun, I would love to be part of this.

Mama Spark

I'm in but I may use different colors.


Really? Anyone and everyone can create this quilt? Even me?? I don't know. I want to join in, but I'm going to wait until I see the first step. I'm happy that you are doing this, though, and I"ll do my best to join in!


Looks fun! I'm in!


I would love to join in! Thank you for planning and organizing!


Can't wait to start.


Making one of your quilts is one of my goals this year, so this would be a good place to start. Can't wait!

Busty LaRue

I'm always up for a quilt-along. I am totally in!

Anne D

Count me in. Love your quilts. Made a cushion based on city green and it looks great. Here is a link to my blog.


Count me in...need a picker upper project to get back into gear...hehehe

hmseen at gmail dot com


Oh wow! I love it.
I can't wait to find out the amounts.

Maria Wallin

How exciting! I really wish I had time to participate but I don't so I think I'll pass on this now and create one at a later date, but I will follow the rest of you with much interest! =)

Debbie-Esch House Quilts

Another winner of a design! I love it. Great colorways too. I really don't have time to participate, but I might do it anyway :)


add me please and thank, looking forward to it


Count me in, this is my first quilt along. I love the orange one - SO cheery!!


I think I will join! I haven't make a quilt using solid colors...should be fun!


I have never participated in a quiltalong before but......I am in. Hopefully, you will be gentle on this newbie to quiltalongs and quilts (I have only ever made two tops).


I'm not quite sure what a quilt along is but I would love to try it. Sounds like fun!


Love this. I'm redoing my bedroom and this may just be perfect.

Julie Swenson

We've got a new little one coming to the family and how perfect would one of these be! Love them, count me in!

Ursula E

I can't wait to get started picking up fabric for this!!

Susan S

I have never done a quilt along - but sounds fun. I am looking forward to it.

Kelly Y.

I have also never participated in a quiltalong but I really like the simplicity of this design -- I'd like to join and try my hand at it! How exciting!


I'm up for something quick! lol...


Barb Brainard

This looks like too much fun! Not much of an orange fan so I'm thinking teal/turquoise maybe.


I really like the design. So cross my fingers I can do this. Yeah!!


This is perfect for my first foray into "modern"...I'm so in!

happy zombie

Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me!!!!

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