« You guys are the best! How about a free pattern & fabric to celebrate!!! | Main | BEST HST CHARM SQUARE TRICK EVER! »

September 22, 2010


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You know, I LOVED that jukebox quilt! I kept my eye out for months for them to have a kit in stock, but as far as I could tell, they never did.

Now that I know you designed it, no wonder I was so attracted to it. I wanted the kit cause I just didn't think I could find other fabrics that would look half as good.


How fun! Thank you so much for the free quilt pattern. I just need more time in the days to finish everything! :)


I am using the Soda Shop pattern to use up some vintage and new Christmas fabrics. Loving the pattern because I can use the fabric without cutting copious little pieces.

badlands quilts

Love the use of the diagional fabric! Thanks!


Wonderful pattern! Thank you for sharing. I think I'll give it a try.


it's not silly at all to get excited to see your quilt on tv. i would, too.

LN in Texas

Cute pattern, thank you!


Thank you for being so very generous.


Very cute patterns! Thanks!

Nancy B from Many LA

What a fun quilt - thanks for the pattern!


Just recently found your blog - you are so talented. Thanks for the free pattern.

Donna C

I love the pop from the striped fabrics!


I'm new to quilting and love your patterns! Thanks for the tip on the triangles!!


I think I made a mistake yesterday while trying to leave a comment, I´ll try again (please delete my entry if the last one came through)
I like this pattern a lot, but I also like the triangle trick and the result is fantastic. Thanks for the chance!

Patrois Aurélie

Your quilts are absolutely wonderful !


Love Soda Pop! It really does POP!

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