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April 26, 2010


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EQ is still only available for Windows. Will they ever become aware of quilters that work with a Mac...LOL?

Just kidding Cherri, but I would love to see how the software works, though I will always love my paper and pencils to draw some quilt(block)s!


@nicolette~ i agree, but if you get parallels program for your mac you could use it! :)


ooh... i may wait to get EQ now and get EQ7 instead... i keep drooling over the software.

did your book show?! i can't wait to see it!

wishes, true and kind

Can't wait to get a copy of City Quilts, and I just might have to put EQ7 on my Christmas list.


I been planning on buying EQ so I guess I'll wait for EQ7 to come out. How exciting that your book is on its way can't wait to get a copy of it.

Amy - parkcitygirl

I've read June 7th it starts shipping! I'm excited about it too - I've gotten by without it so far :)

I hope your book showed up!! so exciting!


this is super cool, i saw this the other day, and hope to get myself a copy

Gene Black

Many Congrats! On the EQ blog, it says..yes it really does.... YOU WON!!


So many exciting things for you! Winning, and your book! Yahoo!

Barb in MI

Congrats - and the new EQ7 sounds fantastic!


Thank you for posting the store flyer...very cool. I'll be pouring over it anxiously awaiting the release date. =)

Ulla Barkhau

Hello Cherry!
I come from Germany and talk unfortunately only a little english. I would like .EQ7 win because it is a beautiful program . What should I do to win? I also congratulate to your profit. Greetings from Germany Ulla


I have wanted EQ for years, now I hope I get EQ7.


Ich gratuliere zu dem neuen EQ7.
Darauf freue ich mich schon.



Congratulation with the EQ7 :-) Great....


Congratds and I just love the features in the new EQ7.

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