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April 02, 2010


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happy zombie

Oh Cherri... I love your works of art soooo much! I hope this doesn't sound schmaultzy, but you've opened my eyes in looking at ordinary things and seeing beautiful quilts. I do a 'what would Cherri see' - WWCS... and then right before my eyes quilts appear!

Super duper congratulations on your book and I can't wait until it's available!!!


I just received a review copy of your book from C&T and I love it after the first quick look-through! I've always avoided solid fabrics up 'til now but I guess I'm going to have to re-think that.

wishes, true and kind

You're killing me! I've had the book on preorder for quite a while, and I just can't wait!



I am so excited about your book coming out. I have them on pre-order for my shop! Hurry, please hurry!

Debbie - Esch House Quilts

I don't buy many quilting books but this one is a must have! I have loved every glimpse I've seen. Thanks!


I can't wait for your book - it just looks awesome!


I just heard the podcast that you did with Pat Sloan today. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your quilts! The patterns are gorgeous. I am so glad I have learned more about you and your quilts. I thought it was funny you said that you realized you had so many quilts in the blue/green colors, I found the same thing recently, I can’t get enough of blue and green :) Thanks for the inspiration, I can’t wait to see your new book.

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