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November 19, 2009


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Christina M.

You are one amazing woman for putting this together! You're such a great example of how we should always be willing to serve others when there is a need. :)


Thank You Cherri and a really big thank you to Luke. I see my quilt.

Jackie Davis

Awesome, I posted it on my facebook to share! *hugs* - Jackie


Wow Cherri - that's absolutely fabulous! Kudos to you and all who participated!!!


Thanks Cherri! What beautiful photos of all the quilts...I'm so thankful that I took part in this! :)


its impressive to see them all together like that... congrats on gathering to many so fast!

Ann Albrecht

Quilts are wonderful, however I don't see mine. Wonder what happened


What a fantastic selection of quilts. Great job :)


what a beautiful display of quilts to be given with love to the many men and women of Fort Hood.

With the photo taken at such a high up distance, it makes them appear as "minis" if I didn't know better. ;) They are all beautiful!

I didn't donate anything but it makes me proud to be a quilter knowing that so many did rush a quilt to you for this cause.

Love to you from Orange, TX! ~bonnie


God bless you for this work! As a veteran it is so great to hear that the hard work & losses endured are not forgotten or taken for granted. What happened there is nothing less than tragic. It is so excellent that you & others took time out of your lives to honor the loss & the people who suffer. Thank you.

Judy L.

Thank you so much for your efforts in getting us all together and thank you much for allowing me to be a part of this project!

Yolanda Martinez

Thank you so much for letting me be participate in this project. I sent a second quilt with confirmation card for a bereaved family member but haven't received the green card. I do hope it was received. I mailed it to Luke's address. Thanks again for everything you did on this project. luv redtosew yolanda m.

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