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November 15, 2009


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Oh my gosh, I LOVE this one!


I'm going to try this one! I'm pretty sure I'll fall behind at some point as I have many other things on the go and never enough time but I've never done a quilt along and I think it would be so much fun!


had the wrong address linked to my name...now you'll get my blog :)


Fruit Striped Gum -- you're so cute Cheri -- what a fun quiltalong!

Amanda in KS

Oh my gosh! This is sooo funny! I just bought a pack of FRUIT STRIPE GUM last week! It was a fluke that I found it! It was my favorite gum growing up. I am sooo going to do this one! Thank you for sharing it! I don't know how ya'll come up with it all, but PLEASE keep on with the creativity! LOL!


I have a crazy question. I am trying to put the badge on my blog and I can't figure out how to get it to save. Could someone tell me how? I have others on my blog, but the information I save is usually quite long and when I look at the properties of the badge for this group it is short. Thanks.

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