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August 27, 2008


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Ah, can't wait to see your newest project! When I showed Mom Jutkebox she had to go online and look at fabrics! I'm actually trying to convince myself not to start yet another top and actually quilt and bind the 4 tops I have done! It's a battle and I'm not sure which side will win:)


Looking forward to seeing your top secret quilt, how fun. I'm working on Christmas stitching, just finished a picnic quilt and am about to design the picnic tote to go with it.


So much secrecy overhere! Can’t wait to see your next projects.

I’m working on too many projects, having a strange concentration disorder, which provides for not being able to work too long on one project.

I’m working on a Dutch quilt, a baby-quilt, a star-blocks quilt, the City Blocks quilt and a whole list of other quilts...


well I just about finished up entering all grades for 2007/2008 school year for my son. I have a few more that he needs to clarify for me. Then I can SEW!!! I have two purses and 3 aprons to make. Make that 4 aprons as we just got invited to a bridal shower. I have fabric for NUMEROUS quilts, just deciding which one to work on next. I think it will be the one using Bleeker Street fabrics. I will post on my blog as I get things done. I can't WAIT to see your secret projects.

Baby Quilt Queen

As soon as I saw that picture, I thought - that would make a cool quilt! Can't wait to see what goodness you make of that. Will be totally awesome as usual, I'm sure.

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