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July 13, 2008


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Oh you just made me cry! It sounds like you did a fabulous job with them!!


(((Cherri)))), it is hard to see them go, but there is also pride in knowing they are making a way for themselves.

Tina in Boston

Hi Cherri! You were obviously a great mom to have raised such a talented bunch! I know it's hard to have them gone, but you have all those wonderful memories to be thankful for.


From what I’ve read in your and Lizzie’s posts, I’ve got the impression that all your children love to be at home, love to see each other, so you did a great job being their mum!
What greater gift can a parent give, then letting their children go?

I’m not an expert, don’t have kids of my own, but my mother still has a hard time to let me go though she’s in her eighties now. That can feel suffocating.

Go and make yourself a quilt!! LOL!

I hope Luke is doing well!

Hugs from Holland)))


So wise Cherri. I still have 3 at home and the other day I was thinking how fast time went for the first 5 to go and before I know it they will all be gone. Life really is so fast. So incredibly fast.

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