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July 24, 2008


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Scott at Blue Nickel Studios

What a wonderful day of giving! That is great thing!
I have just stopped by your site today, and I really like it. I will be back to visit!!
Come on over to the Blue Nickel Studios when you get a chance and give me a shout!
Have a great day!

Mary Wood

What a great thing you do their should be more of it in the world it would make it a better place.
Hugs Mary.


This is absolutely amazing! What a stunning number of quilts!
This is what quilting is about indeed!!

The other day one of my friends -who had been trying to quilt for some months- said: ‘why do love to buy frabic to cut it into pieces and sew it together again?’
I simply answered: ‘you just don’t get it!’

Lynne in Hawaii

That is a great way to interact with others and accomplish great acts of kindness! Way to go!


To see all those quilts, and know the love and committment behind each and every one is just awesome and inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing this project with us. and also...Congratulations on your magazine publication.


Terrific post, a huge wow on the photo's.


What a lovely site. Its totally amazing.


WOW! Seeing the pictures is one thing, it must have been amazing to be there and take part in this. It IS what quilting is all about.
So does everyone use the same block and pattern for each year's quilts? The quilts in the pictures look so varied, so I was wondering.

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