It's an exciting day for me as a Mother - Lizzy started making her first quilt last night, and I couldn't be more proud. She and her printmaking friends are all making City Scapes together. They meet every Wednesday as a little group to make their quilts. She called me after they met and was discussing her fabric choices, what she needs more of, and other quilt related issues. Talking quilts to my daughter, what could be sweeter?
Thank you so much for the pattern!
Posted by: Anita Monery | September 13, 2007 at 03:49 PM
You are so welcome - hope you enjoy it!
Posted by: Cherri House | September 13, 2007 at 04:08 PM
How exciting to pass things on to the next generation! I'm hoping to pass my love for quilting on to my little girls as well.
Posted by: Tamera | September 15, 2007 at 08:01 AM
What could be sweeter than to talk quilting and share that with your daughter. My oldest daughter has a strong interest in quilting but has chosen to push it aside for now because of her two very active children keeping her busy right now. I look forward to the time when she can return to her interest and we can do it together.
Posted by: Colleen | September 15, 2007 at 11:48 AM